♡just a gal who likes to draw n write♡ || call me mika/sketchy!

Age 14, Female [she/her]


Joined on 7/29/24

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Sketchyfrogz's News

Posted by Sketchyfrogz - 8 days ago

aaaa forgot but yesterday waz my b day,happy (belated) b day to meeeee



Posted by Sketchyfrogz - July 30th, 2024

I was just brainstorming on making a post about Leto's role in Pico 2 if she were ever canon,but got sidetracked and made this instead!


  • I feel like if Leto was ever in the Pico 2 demo there would be a small mini game about skateboarding [based of the Doodle Champion Island Games when you have to do some sick skateboarding tricks.I love that game sm!]
  • I think I'll finish this later,but I don't really have the equipment to make the piece lol [also small notice but I might be getting an ipad so I can use Procreate! But I don't know when so sorry for any inconvenience!]
  • I hope to base this of Mindchamber's art style since I admire their artwork and how they draw Pico's school characters!

That's all for now! Take care everyone!



Posted by Sketchyfrogz - July 30th, 2024


  • Leto enjoys Geography and hopes to grow up to be a florist and own her own flower shop! If that doesn't work out she wanted to instead be a journalist documenting on political things (why she signed up to be president)
  • Leto highly enjoys pleasing and earning praise from people,and sometimes relies a little too much,resulting in her going at extreme lengths to earn acceptance and respect among her peers.
  • Leto denied it at first but she slowly grew to have a crush on Darnell.She would probably fall for him due to (maybe) his friendly attitude and his competitiveness during the whole campaign to be president.
  • She sometimes hangs out with Alucard as well! They both bond with their telekinetic powers! And I thought about this but I think I'll make Leto Alucard's cousin [half of me wants to change that but whatever!]
  • I'd like to think Leto doesn't know how she got her telekinetic powers,she first activated them when she about 7 years old! I wanna make her another test subject like Alucard!
  • Leto also enjoys skateboarding! You'd usually find her in the skate park doing tricks and stuff! But she hates centipedes.Something about them creep her out.

I guess that's all for now! Hope to post more about her soon!



Posted by Sketchyfrogz - July 29th, 2024


Meet Leto!

  • She attends Pico's school and loves flowers and the colour purple! And for a little fact,Leto has telekinetic powers! She is able to read minds and move stuff with her mind! She also survived the school shooting cause she was absent from school. (she had a doctors appointment!)
  • I was thinking of making her Alucard's cousin,but I might get rid of that idea later!

But I also want to ship her with Darnell!

  • I was thinking that Leto also wanted to be president,so there was some rivalry between the two! Leto didn't really like how Darnell lied about him dying in 5 years to get more votes lol

  • But slowly,this turned into a enemies to lovers situation,with Darnell falling first,but Leto falling harder! I think it ould be kinda cute!

I'll probably make a bio for her once I got her all figured out! Hope you all like her!







Posted by Sketchyfrogz - July 29th, 2024


  • Like I mentioned in my last post,Destiny is a masochist who enjoys the feeling of blood on her! She usually gets all trigger happy when exposed to large amounts of blood,which bring out her more violent side!
  • Destiny is skilled in kickboxing and gymnastics! She rather to use hand to hand combat in fights than weapons (but if she really has to,she will!)
  • Destiny is also DEATHLY allergic to peanuts and nuts! And for fun I decided to add that if she actually eats those nuts/peanuts,her head will just.Explode! Might be a reference to Nene's Interactive Suicide with the drinking milk option!
  • Destiny comes from an African American/Jamacian heritage! Her mother being African American and her father being Jamacian! I am an African British girl myself so I had to add that little fact in there :]
  • She also has a twin brother named JD! He also shares her heritage and the two siblings attend the same school.
  • Her favourite colours are all primary colours (red,blue,and yellow!) And she likes waffles!

Hope you all like her and I hope to post more!



Posted by Sketchyfrogz - July 29th, 2024

First post on Newgrounds! I hope to get better at using this thing (might not post here much lol) but anyways I want to introduce my Pico's School oc: Destiny! iu_1243634_23164655.webp

She attends Philadelphia Boarding School,a boarding in Philly! She is an insane masochist and is friends with Pico and the gang! I hope to post more about her and my other Pico's School ocs later on! If you really want to know more go on my tumblr,there's alot about this silly girl on there!
